Consulting Services
Any Individual, corporation, government or organization interested in designing and developing a distributed system.
Service Fee
This is our standard cost/hr per person-
Software Engineering
We offer services, guidance and training to help guide the corporate management through the hype of the current DIDO Technologies to focus precious R&D budgets on getting the best return on investment by focusing on quality of COTS products, internal development and participation in Communities of Interest (COI). We are also uniquely qualified to help management formulate their DIDO requirements and perform trade studies that evaluate the functional and non-functional requirements of DIDO products. One of our goals is to help keep corporate attention on software, system and process Quality as a way to mitigate risks iassociated with DIDO technologies. We can also provide external guidance and review of development processes such as waterfall and agile DIDO development.
Software Engineering
We offer engineering services to help the corporate engineering teams be successful when trying to build solutions based on DIDO Technologies. Our engineering services include training, requirements analysis, development, testing and deployment. We can help oversee and manage an engineering team’s agile processes. We offer a DIDO-TE product that goes well beyond the DIDO sandboxes offered by the current DIDO products. The DIDO-TE can evaluate quality issues such as portability, reliability, maintainability, securability, interoperability, elasticity, manageability, performance and scalability.
We can also help corporations with the use and/or development of Smart Contracts.
We offer a framework for specifying functional and nonfunctional requirements for use during the acquisition process. We can also help develop the accompanying performance specifications for those requirements. We can help review and draft if need be Memorandums or Agreements (MOAs) or Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) for participation in external CoI. It is possible for us to also help represent corporations within those CoIs upon request.
We Take Pride in our Work
Interested in how our process works? See the 4 step process below.
The Discovery phase is where we spend the time to research the functional and nonfunctional requirements of the project. It can take anywhere from 1-6 months depending on the complexity of the problem.
As the name implies, we develop the product according to the functional and non-functional requirements. This can take anywhere from six months to 2 years depending on the complexity of the problem.
This is the final phase in the initial development of the product. We finish up any work that needs to be finished for the products 1st release.
This is the final stage of a product. The initial product has been released. End users report bugs/errors or additional features to the product. This phase lasts as long as there are clients.