Retail & eCommerce

Bringing the Benefits of the Cloud to Non-Profits and the Public Sector

Distributed computing technology is the top candidate for trying to solve the Supply Chain issues. The tradition Client-Server technology is being used to solve issues within one corporate silo bit generally stops at the supply boundary. Corporations like Walmart have tried to extend back up into the supply chain by mandating that data provided to them is of a defacto standard.

However, this has problems when trying to go back even further up the supply chain, especially in commodity products like food and generic medicine. There are major issues with Data Quality and the traditional “garbage-in garbage-out” problems, there are security issues, smart contract quality issues, and the need for collaborative forums within the whole sector. We believe that our understanding of Pedigree and Provenance combined with our Testing Environment(TE), Command Line Interface (CLI) will ease the adoption of the technology and drastically improve the quality of the whole Supply Chain.
“We brought Onica on-board very early to consult on our project and were impressed with their level of expertise. After delivering a successful migration and implementation solution which helped us transition to AWS, Onica continues to work closely with our team to provide round the clock expert support.”
Director, Innovative Travel Solutions
Vancouver Airport Authority


Smart Factories

Smart factory realization can present distinct challenges, including connection of legacy equipment and simplifying system integration for increased flexibility. Real-time analytics can be sent to the data center, by upload to the cloud and fast connection to the ERP/MES upper layer application system. Effective dynamic preventive maintenance strategies can be generated according to machine operation status in real-time, improving equipment reliability.

DIDO Solutions has your back!

DIDO Solutions can provide virtualized nodes and networks for case scenario, Tactical Microgrid Standard (TSM), described by Data Distribution Service Foundation (DDSF)