We get it, this is all confusing. Here are some commonly asked questions


The term Distributed Immutable Data Objects (DIDO) refers to the underlying technologies supporting distributed data and computation across a distributed network of peers using consensus algorithms to maintain integrity and consistency across the network.

i.e) Cryptocurrencies, Blockchains, IPFS,  DDS, FACE, etc.

The DIDO concepts captured within a Reference Architecture (RA) are intended to represent any architecture relying on distributed networks of peers that store data and allow parallel computation. The DIDO RA is not intended as a physical “must-have” requirements list, but more as a “what-can-be” conceptual catalog.

A Community of Interest (CoI) is a collaborative group of users who exchange information in pursuit of their shared goals, interests, missions, or business processes, and who therefore must have a shared vocabulary for the information they exchange. The group exchanges information within and between systems to include security domains.

Transactions contain cryptographically signed data required to describe the creation, transfer, or destruction of fungible data representing an asset stored within the ledger.

Transforms are similar to transactions but there can be multiple changes made to the data at the same time by multiple parties.

Ecosphere is the highest level Community of Interest (CoI) that encapsulates DIDO Ecosystem Communities and DIDO Domain Communities.

Ecosystem is the mid-level level Community of Interest (CoI) that encapsulates DIDO Domain Communities. The Ecosystem has a sub-charter approved by the Ecosphere.

Domains are communication context, which provides a virtual environment, encapsulating different concerns and thereby optimizing communications.

A public benefit corporation broadens the perspective of traditional corporate law by expanding concepts of purpose, governance, transparency and accountability with respect to a broad range of stakeholders, not just stockholders.

We aren’t perfect, we strongly believe that standards build market places and increase the total amount of revenue in the market.
Ocean Clean Up Growing up 20 minutes from the Ocean has developed a love for it and its inhabitants

Donating to a Non-Profit Standards Organization Standards are a not a business but created to to improve the technology everyone uses

Helping the less fortunate We believe that our success is due to the community finding value in our product and we want to give back to that community by helping the less fortunate

We want our employees to enjoy the work they do, and get rewarded for doing a good job, but also have the power to make sure the company stays true to its agenda.

DIDO Testing Environment (DIDO-TE)

Why spend hours/months working with those services to get you set up. Our product is available on Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, and Microsoft Azure and as a stand-a-lone product for those using their own private cloud service

Sandboxes are great for getting the company’s product up and running, however good luck running bad actor testing or interoperability tests without spending hours if not months figuring it out

The adoption of distributed computing not only presents some new and unique technical hurdles for existing corporations to overcome, it also requires corporations to adapt to participate in products running on networks and computers they do not have control over.

The products require the corporations to participate as a peer within a community to accomplish the same goal and yet still have the confidence in the quality of the product and that the potential risks of adoption are within acceptable levels to meet their corporate objectives.

Yes, our system is built to be standalone. Reach out to us about licensing the product

Most traditional systems aren’t virtualized meaning that if the bad actor they were using for testing escaped, it could have devastating repercussions on our current technology infrastructure.

Within a virtualized network we can monitor energy consumption of the network being used and estimate how much energy it would cost for an x amount of time * the projected increase of nodes over time.

DIDO Command Line Interface (DIDO-CLI)

Often, the DIDO Platforms use proprietary languages, libraries, and interfaces which ultimately affect the Interoperability, Portability and maintainability of end user solutions built upon the proprietary solutions causing Vendor Lock-In. The response from the DIDO Platforms is often “our product is Open Source Software (OSS) therefore it is a standard or our specification is a de facto Standard. While there is some legitimacy in these responses, it is not adequate for long term (30+ year) lifecycles or for Mission Critical Systems.

Additionally, the use of “languages, libraries, and interfaces” require a labor force that is highly trained and skilled in specialized general computing rather than the trained and skilled in the business domain. In other words, the end-user must find people who are educated and trained in their specific domain (i.e., finance, accounting, taxes, supply chain, environment, public records, etc.) as well as having the computing skills to use the languages, libraries and interfaces for each DIDO Platform.

The Command Line Interface is the instructions for how to parse a command line interpreter of the Database/DIDO’s data.

The Command Line Interpreter is the implementation of the command line interface allowing users to interact with the Database/DIDO’s data.

Solidity and Web3 are great concepts, however solidify requires you to hire someone trained specifically in programming to create and maintain smart contracts. The CLI allows the user (person or application) to interact with the DIDO Platform by entering text commands similar to SQL at a prompt and receive a response as human readable text.

History likes to repeat itself, the Semantic Querying Language (SQL) is a standard built in response to the growing complexity of multiple database providers each providing their own specific api to interact with their databases in the 1970s. The same is starting to happen within the DIDO community and a similar problem can be solved in a similar manner. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)

A high-quality solution for those looking to explore distributed technology

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We know it’s annoying but we’re excited to share our knowledge and want to turn DIDO TE from prototype to full fledged product. To do so, we need to be our hero and show there’s interest.